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Recommendation Report to the National Institutes of Health for Increased Support of Gene Therapy

Enoch Obeng
















Table of Contents

Abstract...................................................................................................................... iii

Introduction................................................................................................................. 4

Findings....................................................................................................................... 5

            Point 1: Use of Viral Vectors for Gene Transfer................................................ 5

                        Virus Behavior Allows for Effective Gene Transfer............................... 5

                        Adenovirus Vectors Reduce Risk of Viral Infection.............................. 6

            Point 2: Heavy Focus on Single Gene Disorders............................................... 7

                        One Step at a Time……...................................................................... 7

                        Effects of Single Gene Therapy............................................................ 7

                                    Progress with animals............................................................... 7

                                    Progress with animals............................................................... 8

            Point 3: Venturing into Multigene Therapy Treatments....................................... 9

Disclaimer/Ethical Response…………......................................................................... 10

Conclusion………………………….. ................................................................... 11

References……………………………...................................................................... 12                               








In an attempt to find better treatments for obscure ailments, scientist discovered that many diseases can be traced to genes. Genes were then investigated and it became clear that modifying certain genes can heal the diseases associated with those genes. Although progress has been slow, there have been breakthroughs with use of certain methods. It is now evident that viruses can be modified so that they can store and transport normal genes to cells whose genes are defective. Gene therapy, although in its early stages, has the potential to cure many diseases, especially those that affect single genes. Because of such potential, gene therapy should be supported as well as monitored to ensure safety and progress.














            The world of medicine is now changing at an unprecedented pace and more needs to be done to ensure that medicine keeps its lead over disease. This includes evolving medical practices faster than diseases can adapt. In this day and age there are more opportunities than ever through research and development to help the ailing. One breakthrough method is the use of gene modification or transfer which is commonly referred to as gene therapy. Gene therapy is the process of altering a gene to portray a normal or favorable condition and then transferring the gene to a subject whose gene for that condition may be defective. When done properly gene therapy can better cure ailments with fewer treatments as opposed to conventional medicines which may merely cover up the sickness while producing unneeded side effects due to chemical imbalances. Because of this, more stock should be put into gene modification procedures. This recommendation will outline a systematic three point routine, with reviews from professionals in the field, that showcase the most accepted method of gene modification and their findings .By using an analysis of current and prospective protocols, one can better understand how gene therapy works and why it could be so beneficial. It should also be noted that preference with gene project funding should be given in accordance with the research methods in this report because of the amount of promise shown and higher chances of success.




            The research gathered will be presented in three points to show distinctions in the different phases of research.

Point 1: Use of Viral Vectors for Gene Transfer

            Findings have been gathered for almost the last two decades which show that the best way to transfer genetic information with hopes of widespread dispersion is by the use of viruses. This is of course the most generic method but does best under the most conditions. 

            Virus Behavior Allows for Effective Gene Transfer. Biomedical engineer Joseph M. Le Doux expresses hope in the use of viruses as an in-vivo vector in his book Gene Therapy Protocols Vol 1: Production and In Vivo Applications of Gene Transfer Vectors (2008). Several passages and collections of academia in the book point to viruses as being highly effective in passing on genetic information. So much so that over half of the vectors used in trials are viral as seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1

Proof of Viral Vectors Being Used Most in Clinical Trial [Vectors Used in Gene Therapy Clinical Trials (2009), Journal of Gene Medicine]








            This is because of their natural behavior. Viruses are designed to release the gene encoded proteins onto a living organism so that they may then carry those traits (Le Doux, 2009). The same behavior which allows them to easily transfer disease can allow them to transfer specific genetic materials. As stated by the American Cancer Society’s research into gene therapy “…viruses have some special properties that make them useful tools in gene therapy. Viruses reproduce by ‘hijacking’ infected cells. They inject their genes …into the cells they infect” (2009). This then allows a cell’s nucleus to produce the wanted genes. Figure 2 shows a picture of the capsulated region of the virus that can be outfitted with accommodating genes once the disease causing pathogens have been removed.

Figure 2

Virus with Capsid []





            Adenovirus Vectors Reduce Risk of Viral Infection. There are fears that introducing a virus into one’s system may be harmful if the virus is treated as a pathogen by the body. Adenoviruses are easily “gutted” of disease causing agents leaving few if any trace (Le Doux, 2009). The body is then less likely to attack a cell that appears to not show any chance of doing harm.

Point 2: Heavy Focus on Single Gene Disorders

            Obviously the ultimate goal of finding the most suitable vector for gene transfer is to be able to promote gene therapy practices with minimum risk. This can only be done after clinical trials of which the focus should first be on single gene disorders.

            One Step at a Time. Gene therapy is fairly new compared to other forms of medicine so it is necessary to start with little incremental steps. The first of which after finding a suitable viral vector is to focus on single gene therapy. Single gene therapy, which is gene modification directed towards disorders that affect only a single gene, is in theory a lot simpler than multigene therapy for obvious reasons (Foti, S., Samulski, R., McCown, T. 2009). Foti, Samulski, and McCown point out that most vectors have a limited carrying capacity and that the complexities of multigene disorders make it too difficult to craft needed treatments right now (2009). A compromise may be to first and foremost focus on modification techniques just for one individual gene. By focusing on one gene at a time there is less risk of complications. Once individual genes are studied then there results can be combined in an attempt to deal with multigene disorders. This process can be a lot slower but should be more effective as expressed by Le Doux (1999).

            Effects of Single Gene Therapy. Single gene therapy has had its share of breakthroughs in the lab but more needs to be done with clinical trials.

            Progress with animals. All gene therapy trials that involve living organisms generally have to be tested in animals for obvious reasons. Although there has been some controversy concerning animal testing, there has been no other more effective way to test gene therapy without possible harm to humans (Human Genome Project Information, 2009). Luckily such controversy has been overshadowed by significant advances. Dr. Brooks-Kayal and Dr. Shelley J. Russek of University of Pennsylvania and Boston University, respectively, have been able to reduce epilepsy in mice by modifying signal pathways in their brains associated with genes (Medical News Today, 2006). In 2001, scientists from Cornell University, University of Pennsylvania, and University of Florida lead by Gregory Acland have been able to successfully restore vision in dogs (Acland et al, 2001). Retinal degeneration was able to be reversed by transferring working genes to photoreceptors in dog specimens. Very similar and paralled advances have been made with hearing in guinea pigs by restoring auditory hair cells at the University of Michigan (Gara, R., 2005). Substantial progress has been made with animal subjects that show possible cures of human ailments that were once thought to be untreatable. There is still ongoing research and animal trials concerning cancer, HIV, and Parkinson’s that will hopefully have significant results in the near future (Human Genome Project Information, 2009).

            Progress with humans. A number of single gene modification trials, which have been debatably considered low risk, are being done with human subjects (Guidance for Industry: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials - Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events). The complication risk associated with the actual gene is said to be reduced with single gene trials in conjunction with the lower risk of complications linked to use of adenovirus vectors. As stated best by the Federal Food and Drug Administration “…adenovirus [vectors]…do not have a propensity to integrate or reactivate following latency and, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, present a low risk of gene therapy-related delayed adverse events” (Guidance for Industry: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials - Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events) . Although there have been a limited number of trials with humans with even less significant accomplished test, progress is being made. The Ohio State University and University of Florida have successfully treated muscular dystrophy with gene therapy practices with limited adverse effects (Medical News Today, 2006). Such was done comparing the effects of the gene transfer with the effects of a placebo. There also have been strides in trying to repair congenial blindness similar to the trials done with dogs. In 2008 the University of Pennsylvania was able to use RPE65 gene to reduce damage to the light receptors of the retina which helped to improve subject’s vision (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia). So far progress has been slow but enduring.

Point 3: Venturing into Multigene Therapy Treatments

            As science and technology advance with simpler gene therapy techniques, more can be done concerning multigene disorders. Point three is based mostly on research in progress and studies that may be done in the future with the proper support. It was decided to include this section as an outlook of possible treatments to come if appropriately sustained. Multigene ailments include but are not limited to heart diseases, diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and multiple types of cancer. However; there have been advances in gene therapy treatments as to cancer in animal subjects (Human Genome Project Information, 2009). A lot of this has to do with the extra funding for cancer research and how cancer reacts differently than most other cell types. Treatments range from replacing altered genes susceptible to cancer with healthy ones to using altered genes to try to improve patient immune response (National Cancer Institute, 2006).

Disclaimer/Ethical Response

            Just as with any other medical treatment undergoing testing, serious precautions need to be made. It is recommended that the NIH set up an ethical review board exclusively for gene therapy human trials. This will ensure that all research results produce bona fide facts, whether favorable or not. With this in mind, human clinical trials, especially for multigene disorders, should be tested sparingly with priority given to terminally ill patients until further research. Precautions should also be taken to ensure patients’ privacy and patient must have a clear understanding of the risk. It should be advised that gene therapy is a last resort procedure until further research. Complications include rejection of DNA carriers and negative immune response (Human Genome Project, 2009). Most of what have been called successes in gene therapy has happened just over the last couple years. As with any invasive medical procedure, death is possible but should be reduced with more animal trials and understanding. Excessive measures should be taken concerning muscular dystrophy gene modification treatments to avoid gene “doping” which has been defined as “non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements, or of the modulation of gene expression, having the capacity to improve athletic performance” by Gene Therapy Net (2009).




            Based on research presented and research in progress, it is clear that many diseases that affect the genes can be best treated with gene therapy. Because of this, more support should be given to research and funding of gene therapy trials, especially by a world renown organization like the NIH. It is recommended that the NIH support this field to allow for productive growth and valuable supervision which is not available elsewhere. Gene therapy shows the most promise when following the three points listed above and procedures briefly summarized in Figure 3.

Figure 3

How Viral Vectors Transfer Genes [Elements4Health]















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American Cancer Society (2009). ACS: Gene Therapy: Questions & Answers. (n.d.). Retrieved October 13, 2009, from

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (2008). Gene Therapy Improves Vision In Nearly Blind Patients. ScienceDaily. Retrieved October 19, 2009, from­ /releases/2008/04/080427194726.htm

Elements4Health. (n.d.). Study Suggests Gene Therapy Could be Safe Technique to Combat HIV. Retrieved October 5, 2009, from

Foti, S., Samulski, R., & Mccown, T. (2009). Delivering Multiple Gene Products in the Brain From a Single a Adeno-associated Virus Vector. Gene Therapy, aop(current). Retrieved October 10, 2009, from

Gara, R. (2005). Gene Therapy Restores Hearing in Deaf Lab Animals. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from

Gene Therapy Net. (2009). Gene Therapy Technology Explanied. Retrieved October 13, 2009, from

Guidance for Industry: Gene Therapy Clinical Trials - Observing Subjects for Delayed Adverse Events. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2009, from

Human Genome Project Information (2009). Gene Therapy. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from

Le Doux, Joseph M. (2008). Gene Therapy Protocols: Volume 1: Production and In Vivo Applications of Gene Transfer Vectors (Methods in Molecular Biology). Totowa: Humana Press.

Medical News Today. (2006). First Clinical Trial Of Gene Therapy For Muscular Dystrophy Now Under Way. Retrieved October 8, 2009, from

Medical News Today. (2006). Gene Therapy Inhibits Epilepsy In Animals. Retrieved October 9, 2009, from

National Cancer Institute. (2006). Gene Therapy for Cancer: Q & A . Retrieved October 9, 2009, from (1993). Genes in pieces. Retrieved October 21, 2009, from

Vectors Used in Gene Therapy Clinical Trials (2009).  Gene Therapy Clinical Trials Worldwide. The Journal of Gene Medicine.  Retrieved October 11, 2009, from